About Me

Hello! I’m Vivien, a fabric junkie interested in cosplay, historical costuming, fashion design, and vintage clothing. I love to sew and show people what I know!

Frequently asked questions:

See my FAQ here.

Business inquiries:

Please see more information on my Business Inquiries/Contact page.

Official pages:

I’m on Instagram @freshfrippery and  @freshfripperysales

I’m on TikTok as @freshfrippery and @freshfripperysews

I’m on FaceBook as Fresh Frippery

I’m on Ko-fi as fresh frippery

My blog freshfrippery.com is hosted by WordPress and I only have one blog. Any other blog, IG, and TikTok accounts not listed here are not official.

Information about affiliate links:

There are affiliate links on this website. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means I get a small cut out of what you buy that goes towards the costs of running this website.

My Ko-fi:

I believe costuming is about helping others so I post tutorials when I can. I am happy to provide all patterns and tutorials for for free on my blog. It is absolutely optional, but if you would like to donate towards my domain registration and the data costs of hosting the many photos on my site, consider buying me a “coffee”: https://ko-fi.com/freshfrippery.  Thank you!

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Art for blog header by Courtney Riddle.

14 responses »

  1. Just wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Liebster Award! 😀 You can check out the rules here: http://gegallas.wordpress.com/2013/02/26/the-liebster-award-3rd-nomination/ Congratulations!! Best regards, G. E.

  2. Love your Oberyn Martell costume. Could you please tell me where you got the embroidered sunburst patches? I will be making a costume like this soon. thank you in advance.

  3. When did you create this blog?

  4. Love your blog. Found it through your snark post which I linked to on my Steamtorium FB page. Something for all of us to keep in mind. Ive been sewing for many years but only recently gotten into costume sewing. Looking forward to attending Costume College for the first time in 2018. I’ve developed and written patterns for a unique Steampunk Teacup Holster and an Undercorset Belt set. Would you be interested in making and reviewing the patterns on your blog? I would supply the pdf patterns to you and you would be free to write your opinion. You can see samples of the finished items in my Steamtorium shop on Etsy.

  5. Just wanted to let you know I greatly admire your talent and boldness in the exquisite execution of the garments you have made. Wow. I found this blog looking up regency clothing for reference. (Reading through the entire collection of Georgette Heyer and wanted to get my idea of a ‘pelisse’ correct. I am so impressed with your creations–thank you for posting on the internet, what an inspiration to the creative world.

  6. Pingback: Lesematerial – mittenmank

  7. Did you ever finish Lady Tremaine’s green and black dress? If so any pics?


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