GBACG A League of Their Own Picnic

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Last Saturday the AAGPBL Kenosha Comets (and players from a few other teams) had a “reunion” picnic in Cordonices Park in Berkeley, CA.

IMG_4213Most of us had the costumes we made for Costume College 2014, but we had a few new recruits. We also played a few innings of T-ball with everyone at the picnic, including the kids and people dressed in 50s dresses and heels!

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Emily can do the splits!IMG_4266Kim is like an advertisement for Coke!

IMG_4272Since the last wearing I hemmed my dress and shorts a few inches shorter to match the other girls, and got a new belt. I also picked up a lot of dust on my shoes from playing ball!IMG_4260IMG_4274 IMG_4276 IMG_4278We also had a bake-off contest, with lots of delicious treats. IMG_4222

Here are the winners celebrating.IMG_4235

We also had lots of other non-dessert food, including this delicious sandwich loaf!

IMG_4209I hope this picnic becomes a yearly event!

pic by Lynne Taylor(Partial team photo by Lynne Taylor)

You can see the rest of my album here:

About freshfrippery

Blog @ Instagram @freshfrippery. I believe costuming is about helping others so I post tutorials when I can. I am happy to provide all patterns and tutorials for for free on my blog. It is absolutely optional, but if you would like to donate towards my domain registration and the data costs of hosting the many photos on my site, consider buying me a “coffee”: Thank you!

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