2018 Costuming Year in Review

The past year was a rough one health-wise, so it’s a bit of surprise to me writing this post and tallying up my costumes how much I got done! That makes me optimistic for what I can achieve in 2019, even though I’m going to be reasonable in order to keep myself sane and less stressed.

I went to the Legion of Honor museum wearing my 18th century mauve silk dress in February, which I started in January.


Photo by John Carey

My other January project was to make this steampunk belt and tea holster.IMG_6436

In March I made a Regency outfit for my husband and new dress for myself. (The pelisse and bonnet are not newly made).IMG_7449IMG_7216

At Silicon Valley Comic Con in April I premiered my Vice Admiral Holdo costume, my proudest achievement of the year! (I also joined the Rebel Legion with it!)

Business Insider Melia Robinson

Photo by Business Insider

In April I wore a Victorian/Edwardian-inspired bicycling outfit to a train ride and BBQ.


Photos by Chris Wiener

May was a mermaid month, with a tail and shell bra.IMG_9098

In June I wore a vintage-style First Order Uniform, inspired by Star Wars.


Photo by Gloria Sheu

For fun, in June/July I made a medieval fantasy princess dress.EJIY8518

In July I wore Crimson Peak 2.0 (an outfit that I made in 2017 but upgraded to wear to Costume College).


Photo by Gloria Sheu

It included a big lilac petticoat.C18CCFD1-8D0C-4032-9873-C16C3C447BA4

During the summer I also made myself a cotton novelty dress.IMG_0120.JPG

In October I wore this Gibson Girl dress to a GBACG event.IMG_2856

I also made a big trained petticoat for it.IMG_2162

My last big project was this 1830s Romantic day dress, worn to the Dickens Fair in December.IMG_4506

I also made a blouse using a Wearing History pattern.IMG_4738.JPG

I’m surprised at all the projects from this year and look forward to more! On the horizon I’ve got some more Star Wars outfits, an 1890s sweater, an 18th century dress, a 1920s robes de style, and a lot of vintage-style daily wear.

About freshfrippery

Blog @ freshfrippery.com. Instagram @freshfrippery. I believe costuming is about helping others so I post tutorials when I can. I am happy to provide all patterns and tutorials for for free on my blog. It is absolutely optional, but if you would like to donate towards my domain registration and the data costs of hosting the many photos on my site, consider buying me a “coffee”: https://ko-fi.com/freshfrippery. Thank you!

12 responses »

  1. AAHHHHHMAZING!!! You are so inspiring. I can’t even pick a favorite, they are all so wonderful!! Can’t wait to see what you come up with in the coming year!!

  2. A truly fabulous year, bravo! Would you mind sharing where you found the fabric/pattern for your summer novelty dress?

  3. Sharon Redgrave

    Wow! Just WOW! Fabulous array and excellent workmanship! Hope to meet you at Great Gatsby this summer!

  4. The Dickens dress is totally my favorite and so amazingly fantastic!! Great job on the 2018 sewing list.

  5. I am hoping to make something Mary Poppins-ish, especially since Mary Poppins Returns just came out. I haven’t seen it yet, but I love Emily Blunt’s blue dress with the double cape. Do you have any similar costumes you already made or a link to a friend’s costume?

    • Hi! I like the costumes in that movie too! I was getting all sorts of ideas while watching. I haven’t made any similar to that blue dress with the double cape and no one else comes to mind, but I wonder if you could modify a Sherlock Holmes costume pattern since that has a cape?

  6. Christina Kinsey

    Beautiful costumes, l enjoy reading your blogs and I do some historical sewing myself. I live in Rochester, Kent in England and we have our own Dickens Festival with some truly gorgeous costumes. I reckon many of them are recycled curtains etc as many of the fabrics are just right for the period. You see a huge variety at all levels of skill etc and some of the steam punk ones are amazing in how inventive they are. I do now go in costume, though silk is beyond my budget, I found a lovely lilac taffeta that looks good. Yes it is dead dinosaur, but it looks good ☺️. Think for myself the hooks and eyes on a tape might be a good idea for the front bodice as I haven’t a maid or husband to hook me up at the back, so it’s do it myself. Anyhow, got till June to work on it…..

    • Hi Christina, thank you so much for reading my blog and taking the time to comment! I am lucky that some US stores have really great silk sales, but there’s no shame in using a polyester taffeta; I do too sometimes. Good luck with your outfit!


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